It’s soooo soul destroying when you’re plagued with feelings of deep anguish and dissatisfaction with your skin and how it looks. The secret to moving forward is understanding your skin condition, then creating the best routine to help you support your skin’s health and deal with any skin concerns.
There are five main skin conditions: ageing skin, dehydrated skin, blemish prone skin, skin pigmentation and sensitive skin. As usual we suggest seeing a specialist to help you understand your skin condition, however, we’re sharing the basics to help you in the meantime.
Ageing Skin:
As all skin types age, the skin gets thinner and struggles to retain moisture. The skin begins to lose volume and density, fine lines and wrinkles appear and changes in pigmentation can occur.
Dehydrated/Dry skin:
When your skin can’t retain moisture or your sebaceous glands become less active, the skin begins to flake and cracks can begin to appear.
Blemish prone:
Your skin becomes congested and breakouts happen when the areas surrounding your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Hormone changes, stress, diet and other environmental factors can result in skin that is blemish prone.
Skin pigmentation:
Pigmentation is a tricky skin condition; it’s the toughest skin condition to improve. Pigmentation can be caused by your genetic disposition, hormonal changes or over-exposure the sun.
Sensitive skin:
Sensitive skin is most often dry, but can be any other skin type combined with delicate skin. Sensitive skin is caused by nerve endings in the top layer of skin becoming irritated. This occurs because your skin’s natural barrier function is weakened and has broken down due to a trigger. The severity of skin sensitivity, however, can vary from occasional reactions, to extreme sensitivity that occurs on a daily basis. This kind of everyday reaction can cause discomfort, dry, flaky patches or blemishes.
Once you identify both your skin type and skin condition, you’re ready to take the next steps towards healthier skin.
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